Behavioural Stoplight

The Behavioural stoplight by SAFETYDOTS is a patented visual signage extremely versatile, user-friendly and easy to use.
The colored DOTS make it easy for people to respect the social distancing avoiding owercrowding.
Everyone walking in your DOTTED space will feel safe and will have a visual tool to immediately determine the most appropriate behaviour.
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Color Key

The function of each color recalls the classic TRAFFIC LIGHT which is very intuitive for everyone across every culture.

Transit / Walk

The GREEN dots indicate the free flow transit way and helps the customer to visually identify the safety distance from other people while moving


The YELLOW dots indicate a place where people can make short stops to perform a specific action like chosing a product, staring at a painting


The RED dots indicate a place where the customer is obliged to stop to be served or attended to

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Some examples of application

Some examples of application

Let’s walk the Dots

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Let’s walk the Dots

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Our stoplight fully integrated in your space

The team of SAFETYDOTS (architects, graphic designers and interior designers) will develop a full personalization of the behavioural stoplight according to your company’s brand book and to the exhisting furniture, decor and style of your space.

Request a personalized offer

Fill in the form and out team will get in touch with you within 24 hours guaranteed. Service dedicated to companies with more than 100 employees or to spaces bigger than 500 sq mts (5.400 sq feet)

Space typologyShopFactoryOfficePublic space

In order to speed up the process please be aware that to preprare a detailed offer our team will be requiring a floorplan of the space and some images of its actual look.